These audio and video links are provided by our ministry to help Christians in their prayer and devotional life.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” - Col 3:14  

There are those precious times when God's word seems to hit me with extra force and meaning.  I love those times, I love the Lord and what He does in me through His word.  It is with that love and those messages that I reach out to you.  Below you will find some audio messages you can freely listen to.  I pray that the word of Christ in these messages will encourage, lift you, and live in you extravagantly.

Faith 4 Fear

A successful leader encourages his fearful people to seek the Lord. 2 Chron. 20 - 6min

Prayer is Power

The vitality of the Church is through prayer.  But not all prayer has God's ear.
- 32 min

Who is Jesus

A fresh look at how the Bible presents Jesus.  Is it clear that he is God?
- 27 min


A powerful message that considers the neglect of God in favour of other things.
(Hag 1-2) - 34 min

Brag on Jesus

A short exortation to talk more possitively and focus on the good the Lord is doing daily
- 12 min

More than Prayer

There are two things more important than prayer.  Without them prayer is futile
(John 15:7) - 8 min

Faith comes by hearing the Word of GOD

Mountain Road Retreat Bible Readings.